Page:HKSAR v. Xu Shengqi (CACC 463-2010).djvu/5

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(2) Madam Tong’s body was found to have been tied up. Her wrists were tied behind her back by two yellow cables which were looped around her neck. Her wrists and ankles were also tied up with metal wire. Her head had been covered: first, by a blue woollen sweater which was encircled with grey wire and adhesive tape covering the area of her neck and mouth; secondly, by a black plastic bag encircled with metal wire; and thirdly, by a white plastic bag secured by an electric wire attached to a plug. A white vest was found stuffed inside her mouth. She had suffered six lacerations to her scalp and forehead, thought to have been the result of an impact with hard objects with a flat surface. The cause of her death was suffocation.

(3) The body of the older daughter, Tong Hui-man, was also found to have been tied up. A piece of adhesive tape was found to have been wound around her jaw and neck and a linear mark was found on her face. The applicant admitted that he had used adhesive tape to seal her mouth. Both her arms had been bent forcefully up behind her back and her wrists were tied together with one yellow cable looped around her neck. There was an indented abrasion and deep bruises on her neck. Her ankles were tied together by another piece of yellow cable. The cause of her death was ligature strangulation.

(4) The body of the younger daughter, Tong Hui-ying, was found in a nylon bag secured by yellow cable. Her head was at the bottom of the bag and her legs curled near its top. Her head was encircled with a piece of adhesive tape, which formed a single loop across her eyes and then two to three loops covering her throat and lower jaw area. The pathologist who conducted the post-mortem