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Turkish country. Passing by the mountains of Bilúr[1] and Shamílán, it reaches in two days’ journey the country of the Bhútawárí[2] Turks, from whose encroachments and depredations the Kashmírians suffer great distress. Whoever travels along the left bank of the river will find villages and towns which are close to one another on the south of the capital and as far as the mountain. Lárjal,[3] which resembles Damáwand, between which and Kashmír[4] there is a distance of two parasangs. It can always be seen from the boundaries of Kashmír and Loháwar. The fort of Rájgirí is to the south of it, and Lahúr, than which there is no stronger fort, is to the west. At a distance of three parasangs[5] is Rájáwarí, where merchants carry on much traffic, and it forms one of the boundaries of Hind on the north. On the hills to the west of it is the tribe of Afgháns, who extend to the land of Sind.
On the south of that tribe is the sea, on the shore of which the first city is Tíz, the capital of Makrán. The coast trends to the south-east, till it reaches Debal, at the distance of forty parasangs. Between these two cities lies the gulf of Túrán.

After traversing the gulf you come to the small and big mouths of the Indus; then to the Bawárij, who are pirates, and are so called because they commit their depredations in boats called Baira.[6] Their cities are Kach and Somnát. From Debal to Túlíshar[7] is fifty para-

  1. [C. .]
  2. [“Bhotyawárí” in first edition. “Bhatâouryan” Reinaud. A. has , B., C. .]
  3. [“Lárjik” in first edition and in MS. D. “Kelardjek” Reinaud. All the other MSS. read “Lárjal.” The Kalárchal of p. 46.]
  4. [Reinaud, Elliot, and MS. C. agree in reading Kashmír; but A. has and B. is .]
  5. [A. says “a parasang; B. two or three parasangs. The others agree in reading “three.”]
  6. [Barija? see note on the word Barge in the Appendix.]
  7. [Reinaud has “Touallyscher,” and Elliot reads "Tálíshar.” A. has , B., C., and D. .]