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noses right now and we are being drawn down-this path knowing nothing. And we should be ashamed of ourselves. This is a political act, pure and simple, and we all know it.

I yield back.

MR. SWALWELL: Actually --

THE CHAIRMAN: Without objection --

MR SWALWELL: Mr. Chairman?

THE CHAIRMAN: Yeah, I would like to move to the vote, but Mr. Swalwell.

MR. SWALWELL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

First, I don‘t accept the premise that the DOJ and the FBI are under investigation. I think they are under oversight, and they are under continuous oversight. And by the chairman‘s logic, they would never be able to be in a position to review something we wanted to declassify because they are always under oversight.

Now, I understand the parameters of our investigation, but I do not believe that limits their ability to review highly sensitive materials.

But even if it does, I would submit that the Department‘s suggestion in its letter on January 24 to the chairman is that we have an inspector general, whether it is the Department's or another department's, review the materials so we can have an independent review. It doesn't have to be DOJ. It could be another department that understands classification. It could also be ODNI.

But I would ask that, if the chairman is concerned that the DOJ and FBI are under investigation. that we have some other third party review these materials before they are disseminated to the public.

And I would yield to the ranking member.