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Campaign Against the Maráthás

Tipú's next military operations were conducted lagainst certain chiefs in the country between the Krishna and the Tungábhadra. These chiefs, having succumbed to Haidar, had evaded paying the tribute due to him, knowing well that they would be supported in their contumacy by the Maráthás, to which nation most of them belonged. The principal malcontent was the Deshái or Jágírdár of the strong hill fort of Nargúnd[1], who, with his cousin of Rámdrúg, a neighbouring fort, relied upon aid from Poona, and refused to submit to Tipú. The Mysore army besieged both places, the latter falling speedily, notwithstanding Parasu Rám Bháo's attempts to relieve it. Venkat Ráo, the chief of Nargúnd, valiantly defended that town for some months, but was at last compelled to capitulate.

  1. In 1858 Bháskar Ráo, the Jágírdár of this State, murdered Mr. C. Manson, the political agent in the southern Maráthá country, and for this crime was hanged, the territory being confiscated, but the Rámdrúg portion of it had been previously severed from it.