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Tipú's Reforms in Malabar – Embassies to Europe

On returning to Seringapatam, Tipú directed the entire destruction of the old town of Mysore, in order to obliterate all associations with the deposed Rájás. He next proceeded to Calicut, which offered him a fine field for showing his zeal for Islám by reforming the pestilential customs of the province. He at once issued a proclamation, denouncing the practice of polyandry[1], and informing the people that if they did not desist from such a pernicious usage, they would all be 'honoured with Islám,' and

1 The existence of this custom is referred to by Camoens in the Lusiad thus: –

'Géraes saõ as mulheres; mas somente Para os da géracaõ de seus maridos: Ditosa condiçaõ, ditosa gente, Que naõ saõ de ciumes offendidos!'

(Verse 41, Canto VII.)

'Son commune le donne in frá coloro Che son de la progenie de' mariti: Felice condition del viver loro Che de la gelosia non son feriti.'

(Italian version.)

The custom appears to have prevailed also in Coorg.

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