Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/459

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Palace of examination. ariseth in some Province to 4000. of those Examinates or Probationers for this second degree. A little before the eighth Moon (which often fals in September,) the Pequin Magistrates present to the King 100. of the most esteemed Philosophers in the Kingdome, who thence pricketh or nameth thirty, for each Province two, to take charge of [III. ii. 386.] the Examination of these Candidates. One of these two must bee of the Hanlin Colledge, the Collegians whereof are most famous thorow the Kingdome. The King doth not name them till that nicke of time when they must presently packe to their Province, diligently guarded also that they speake with none of that Province till the Act or Commencement be past. In the same Province also are chosen the best Philosophers to assist these two Examiners. In every Mother City is a huge Palace built for this purpose, compassed with high wals, with many stations for the Examiners separate from noyse; and foure thousand Cels or Studies besides in the midst of the Palace, wherein is a stoole and table for one man, that none may see or confer with any other.

When the Examiners sent by the King, and those of the Province are come thither, they are presently shut up in their stations before they can speake with other men, or with each other, during all the Examination time. Night and day, meane-whiles the Magistrates and Souldiers guard the Palace from Colloquies. Three dayes Dayes of

Examination. (the same thorow the Kingdome) the ninth, twelfth and fifteenth of the eighth Moone, from morning to night are appointed for their writing, the doores being shut. A light refection provided the day before is given to the Writers at publike cost. When the Bachelors come to the Palace, they are thorowly searched whether they have any Booke or Writing with them, and are admitted only with the Pensils which they use in writing, their Plate, Paper and Inke; these also and their Garments searched to prevent all fraud, which found causeth the twofold punishment both of losse and sence. When they are admitted, the doores shut and sealed, the two Royall