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Captain, mate, cook, and seamen
(They were in all but three),
Were saved by swimming fast and well,
And their gallows-destiny.

But two, a youth and maiden,
Were left to brave the storm,
With unpronounceable Dutch names,
And hearts with true-love warm.

And they, for love has watchers
In air, on earth, and sea,
Were saved by clinging to the wreck,
And their marriage-destiny.

From sunset to night’s noon
She had leaned upon his arm,
Nor heard the far-off thunder toll
The tocsin of alarm.

Not so the youth—he listened
To the cloud-wing flapping by;
And low he whispered in Low Dutch,
“It tells our doom is nigh.

“Death is the lot of mortals,
But we are young and strong,
And hoped, not boldly, for a life
Of happy years and long.