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Let Envy drop her raven quill,
Let Slander’s venomed lip be still,
And hushed Detraction’s croaking song,
That dared, devoid of taste and sense,
To call these sons of Eloquence
A spouting, stammering, schoolboy throng.

In vain, for they in grave debate
Weighed mighty themes of church and state
With words of power, and looks of sages;
While far diffused, their gracious smile
Soothed Bony in his prison-isle.
And Turkish wives in harem-cages!

Heaven bless them! for their generous pity
Toiled hard to light our darkened city,
With that firm zeal that never flinches;
And long, to prove the love they bore us,
With “more last words” they lingered o’er us,
And died, like a tom-cat, by inches!
