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To classic Meigs, who soon, thank Heaven!
In Congress, will illume the age,
The brightest wages should be given,
To trim the lamps and light the stage.
Van Wyck will play the “Giant Wife,”
And “Death” in “Blue Beard” to the life;
And surly German do, at least,
For “Bear” in “Beauty and the Beast.”

Maxwell and Gardenier, you’ll fix
With strong indentures, by all means;
They’re used to shifting politics,
And soon would learn to shift the scenes.
Bacon might bustle on in “Meddler,”
Gilbert play new tricks in “Diddler,”
Good honest Peter H. Wendover
In “Vortex” read his one speech over,
While Pell would strike the critics dumb,
A perfect miniature “Tom Thumb;”
And Mitchill, as in all the past,
Talk Science, and cut corns in “Last.”

H. and D.