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Sure he was sent from heaven express to be the pillar of the State;
So terrible his name, ‘Clintonian’ nurses frightened children with it.”

Tom Thumb.

Dreaming, last night, of Pierre Van Wyck,
I felt the nightmare creeping o’er me;
In vain I strove to speak or strike,
The horrid form was still before me;
Till panting—struggling to be free,
I raised my weak but desperate head,
And faintly muttered “John Targee!”
When—with a howl—the goblin fled.

I waked and cried in glad surprise:
“The man is found ordained by Fate
To break our bonds, and exorcise
The nightmare of the sleeping State.
He’ll chase the demons great and small;
They’ll sink his withering gaze before.
Then rouse! ye Sachems at the Hall,
And nominate him Governor.

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