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’Tis said I look extremely like
A Highland chieftain with his tail on.

A clear and comprehensive view
Of every thing in art or nature,
In this, my opening speech, is due
To an enlightened Legislature.
I therefore have arranged with care,
In orderly classification,
The following subjects, which should share
Your most mature deliberation:

Physicians, senators, and makers
Of patent medicines and machines,
The train-bands and the Shaking Quakers,
Forts, colleges, and quarantines;
Debts, cadets, coal-mines, and canals,
Salt—the Comptroller’s next report,
Reform within our prison walls,
The customs and the Supreme Court;
Delinquents, juvenile and gray,
Schools, steamboats, justices of peace.
Republics of the present day,
And those of Italy and Greece;
Militia-officers, and they
Who serve in the police—
Madmen and laws, a great variety,
The horticultural society,