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(26) Page 270.—A public meeting concerning the enlargement of the Battery, over which Lewis Hartman, a politician of some note, and Charles King, presided. Thomas R. Mercein and Robert Bogardus were lawyers of distinction, James Lent was city Register, and Edward McGaraghan a magistrate.

(27) Page 272.—Nathaniel Prime.—A wealthy and worthy banker of the house of Prime, Ward & Sands, in Wall Street.

(28) Page 273.—Rufus King, then recently chosen United-States Senator from the State of New York, an eminent statesman and diplomatist.

(29) Page 273.—“Mr. Hamilton’s Letter.”—See previous note for that gentleman’s position.

(30) Page 276.—“The Surgeon-General.”—An office held by Doctor Mitchill.—See previous references to him.

(31) Page 277.—See previous note to “Fanny,” page 374.

(32) Page 278.—John Minshull.—An Englishman by birth, who was a butt of the critics of the day. His plays were performed at the Park Theatre, and afterward published.

(33) Page 279.—

“So have I seen in gardens rich and rare
A stately cabbage waxing fat each day;
Unlike the lively foliage of the trees,
Its stubborn leaves ne’er wave in summer breeze,
Nor flower, like those that prank the walks around,
Upon its clumsy stem is ever found:
It heeds not noontide heats, or evening’s balm,
And stands unmov’d in one eternal calm.
At last, when all the garden’s pride is lost,
It ripens in drear autumn’s killing frost;
And in a savory sourkrout finds its end,
From which detested dish, me Heaven defend!”

Paulding’s “Backwoodsman,” Book II.

(34) Page 282.—“Charley Macheath.”—In which character in the Beggars’ Opera the celebrated English singer, Mr. Charles Incledon, during his engagement some time previous at the Park Theatre, had been favorably received.

(35) Page 283.—William Niblo.—The proprietor of the then most popular hotel and restaurant in New York, on the corner of William and Pine Streets, and still a highly-respected resident of this city.

(36) Page 283.—Thomas Kilner, etc., etc.—Comedians at the theatre.