Page:Hallowe'en festivities (1903).djvu/29

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Witches straighten into one long line at each side of stage with brooms at side. They whiil brooms in air and lines swing into one long line facing audience with hissing sound. (Stage is lighted with red light.)

Witches clump handles of brooms on stage three times and meow. (Stage is lighted with green light.)

Witches whirl brooms in air again; line divides at C. and swings back to sides with hissing sound. (Stage is lighted with white light.)

Witches clump brooms on floor three times and meow. (Stage is lighted with green light.)

Witches drop broom ends on floor and drag them; lines approach each other and pass each other to opposite sides on tiptoe saying "sh-uh sh-uh" in most witchly fashion.

At opposite sides, Witches face back of stage in two long lines and, hissing fast and loud with brooms in air, rush back sidewise to opposite sides of stage. As Witches pass each other at stage C. the hissing should be very fierce. (Stage lighted with yellow light.)

Lines face stage front, brooms held high in air in front. Witches trip wildly across front of stage and around to back of stage, meowing as they go, passing at stage front C. and meeting at stage back C, all the time whirling brooms. (Stage lighted with red light.)

Forming into couples at stage back C, Witches ride brooms to stage C, then, hissing loudly, form one long line