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Nobody—but you. [Recovering.] And that is why I am going to send you away. But first, you must have some food.

[Moving to back of c. table.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[Gently.] Oh, no—not if you're afraid of my staying. I see you think it isn't right.

[Backing away a little toward l.

I think it's better not. But you must have some food.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[Passing her hand over her brow.] No, no, thank you. I will go.

[Moving over to r. of him.

[Coming down a step.] But I can't let you go like this.

Mrs. Reynolds.
No, I see I was wrong. I had no right to ask you for money.

But I don't like to ——

Mrs. Reynolds.
No, thank you, I'll go—I ——

[She reels slightly, falling into his arms.

[Catching her.] What's the matter?