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Mrs. Reynolds.
It's wonderful to be with some one who is kind to me.

[Passing the glass into her left hand and giving to him; he takes it in his right hand.

Are you feeling better?

[Bending over her.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[Subtly getting her fingers into his right hand; he takes the glass in his left.] Yes, yes. Let me stay—just a moment. [She holds his hand very unconsciously and rests a moment with eyes closed.] Now I'll go.

[Bending low over her, recovers himself with an effort.] I'll call my old negro servant. He shall take you home.

[Puts glass on c. table.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[Rising quickly, and gathering cloak around her.] Oh, no, no! What would he think? No, I'll go, thank you.

But I can't let you —— [Mrs. Reynolds slightly reels.] I'll see you to your door.

[Takes his hat and cloak from corner of bookcase up c. at back; puts cloak on.

Mrs. Reynolds.
[With a triumphant gleam in her eyes.] Will