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SCENE.—Same as in Act II. In October of the same year. There are flowers about, accentuating the feeling that the woman of the house has come back. The furniture is all placed as at the rise of the second act. On the mantelpiece up stage end is a small vase of autumn flowers. On small table above fireplace large bowl of autumn flowers. On bookcase center at back a vase of goldenrod, on bookcase left, a small vase with yellow flowers and on Hamilton's table a glass bowl of violets. Washington's chair is placed a little further to left. The chair against wall below door left is removed and placed at left of Hamilton's table. The small chair back of sofa is placed under small table at window on right. A chair similar to the other chairs in the room is placed back of sofa. There are fresh lace curtains at windows.
Betsy is discovered on steps at center window, hanging last pair of curtains, assisted by Zekiel, who stands left of steps. She is in the highest of spirits and laughs at Zekiel's fears for her safety.

[Laughing.] Now, Zekiel, catch these curtains when I drop them.