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[With a great sudden outburst.] No—no —— I can't do it. I've done with bargains. I've bargained with my conscience long enough. I'm covered with shame and remorse, but I can't stand in the mud and barter what I believe to be America's honor. My Bill stands. Get out and tell your story, and I'll tell mine.

What'll you tell?

The truth! [Picking up letters.] The whole degrading, sordid truth. In to-morrow's newspaper I'll publish every fragment of evidence in connection with my disgrace with this woman. If there is to be dishonor, it shall fall on me and not on this administration. I sacrifice my office—I sacrifice my wife,—but, by God, Betsy, I can't sell my country. [With a peremptory gesture to Giles.] Now go!!!

[Giles goes toward door r. and the curtain falls quickly.
[Picture.—Monroe is going; Hamilton, c., looking toward door; Schuyler takes Betsy in his arms. Giles is seen going through street door. He glares at Hamilton and bangs the door after him.