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As such you cannot possibly understand the love of liberty that burns in the heart of every loyal American. [Rising and coming to Tallyrand.] This attempt by Alexander Hamilton to compel the central government to assume the debts of the thirteen states is merely a trick, a manœuvre, to give greater power to that central body and to ruthlessly crush the freedom of the states. We, as Virginians, love Virginia. Her freedom ——We will fight for her freedom ——

[Moves back to his chair.

[Coming toward him.] Mon Dieu! Fight! Where were you when Alexander Hamilton stormed the redoubts at Yorktown?

As you know, Citizen Tallyrand, I am not a soldier.


[Winking at Monroe.] Jefferson has never been a fighter, you know, Citizen Tallyrand.

[c.] Citizen! Citizen! Citizen! You prate and boast about the rights of man, and sneer at Alexander Hamilton as an aristocrat. Have any of you worked for the Rights of Man as he has? When it was an affair of fighting for your liberty, he fought. At the age of nineteen—twenty years, he had risen to be Colonel and was leading the victorious charge at Yorktown. At the hour when your liberty was assured he lay down his arms and