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and lace curtains ai all windows. Down right centre facing audience a Colonial sofa. Against wall, centre at back, is a mahogany bookcase, filled with books, no doors on case; standing on bookcase are two two-branch silver candlesticks. The two portraits are on the wall above. Right and left of bookcase a chair. In left corner up stage a handsome Colonial escritoire, open. Armchair in front of escritoire. Against wall left and above door a smaller similar bookcase. Two single candlesticks on ditto. Armchair back of Hamilton's table left centre. Single chair right of table. Chair against wall below door down left. Ditto against wall below fireplace down right. Small chair back of sofa.

When the curtain goes up Alexander Hamilton is discovered standing at right of table left centre, looking over a manuscript of Bill for Congress. He is a man of medium height, thirty-three years of age. In spite of heat, his ruffles are immaculate and his stock secure. He wears his own hair unpowedered and tied in a queue—with a black ribbon.
Enter l., Zekiel, an elderly negro serving man.

[At door l.] 'Scuse me, Marse Ham'ton, but es mighty nigh nine o'clock.

Is it, Zekiel?

It cut'ny am, sah.