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[l. of Schuyler.] Uncle, I thought you knew I was expecting the General.

I don' know nothin' 'cept what you tells me, so help me, Marse Ham'ton.

[Shuts street door and returns, closing room door also.

I'm sorry, father, but you see as Secretary of the Treasury I'm a target for all kinds and conditions of people.

[Placing the chair r. of table a little further out for Schuyler.

[Sitting l. c.] People who come to borrow money, eh?

[Giving Schuyler's hat to Zekiel.] Exactly. That's why I have to be "out, out, out." You see there is still a large section of the public who regard the Treasury as a sort of savings-bank, from which they can withdraw money without the preliminary inconvenience of depositing it.

[Helping Schuyler off with his cloak and giving it to Zekiel.

[Having risen to take off cloak, sits again.] Well, the people are slow to understand. It's only the last few years that we've had a Treasury.