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Sometimes, Gen'l, yo' kin tak' an' lead a mule up to de troff—[Hamilton, lying up papers, protests, laughingly] but eff he tak' it into his haid not to drink—wall—yo' cain' do nothin' 'bout it.

Uncle, you never said a word about drink. You've been warning me to eat all day. [To Schuyler.] What do you think I've been doing, father?

The Lord knows! Everybody's work, as usual, I suppose.

I've been building a National Bank.

[Placing hand on large bundle of manuscript.

Well, you can't do it on an empty stomach.

Why not? I'm doing it on an empty Treasury.

[Goes up to escritoire with papers.

[To Zekiel, who is going toward door r.] Uncle Zeke, you go and get up the best supper you know how, and I'll see that the Colonel eats it. And a bottle of wine.

[Zekiel puts cloak and hat down on chair r of bookcase at back wall and brings small table from at wall r and places it c. beside Schuyler.