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That saves the honor of Virginia, but not the honor of the nation. Gentlemen, my Bill provides that these debts shall be assumed by the central government. Why do you continue to oppose it? All I need is the support of Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe.

What you suggest would be making Virginia help to pay the debt of South Carolina.

And South Carolina has three times the debt of Virginia.

[To Monroe.] Incurred in gaining Virginia her freedom. Gentlemen, if the interests of the thirteen states continue to clash, there is no hope of established independence. I appeal to you both, as patriots, not to squander the time of the country by the discussion of party interests. We are builders of a nation; let us build strongly, let us build on the foundation stone of honor. The nations of the world are watching us. Let them sneer at our youth, let them sneer at our poverty, but let them never cast a slur upon our honesty.

You plead merely for the honor of the nation: I plead also for the rights of the individual.

Do you realize that the rights of the people are at stake?