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[With alacrity.] Shall we put it in writing?

[Going toward table l.

I think our oral pledge will be sufficient.

Your word is your bond. In fact I would rather take your word, gentlemen, than the bond of any state in the Union.

[He bows to them; they laugh. Monroe comes over eagerly and extends his hand.

That's a bargain then.

[Enter Zekiel, l., with tray containing chicken, decanter of wine and three wineglasses. Knock is heard off r. He puts tray on table c. and exits up r., leaving door r. open. Note: Be sure that Betsy's letter is on tray. The dialogue is not interrupted by Zekiel's entrance.

[Between them and smiling.] Really, I cannot permit ——

Let us say, a final settlement of our difference of opinion. May I offer you some refreshment?

[Going to back of c. table. Monroe to r.

Thank you, no. Citizen Monroe will agree that we have already detained you too long.

[Passing up r. of c. table toward door r.