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man who makes the fortune of a nation in order to get a living for his family. Au revoir.

[Exit Tallyrand.

[Waving to him.] Au revoir. Bon voyage. [Comes into the room.] Bolt the door, Zekiel; we've had enough for to-night. [Zekiel bolts and chains street door, then enters room, closing room door. Hamilton walks to his table and picks up Bill.] Victory! Well, now, we'll go to bed, Uncle.

[Sitting at table l. and putting away papers.

[At room door.] Fo' de Lawd's sake, Marse Cunnel, ain' yo' goin' to eat no suppah?

[Remembering. Shuts drawer and comes to behind table c.] Supper? Yes.

[Coming down to r. corner of table c.] That's 'bout the fourth suppah I brought in this night, and yo' ain' goin' t' eat it.

I'm going to eat all that supper, and I'm going to finish this bottle of wine.

[Picking up decanter.

Don' yo' drink it on an empty stomach; it'll go straight to yo' haid. An' dere's noder bottle ain' been touched, an' de corkscrew a-lyin' close 'longside.