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The Tragedy of Hamlet,

name is Iohne, indeede, saies the cinick; but neither Iohn-a-nods, nor Iohn-a-dreames, yet either as you take Itt."

II. ii. 605. property. His crown, his wife, everything, in short, which he might be said to be possessed of, except his life. (Furness.)

II. ii. 613. pigeon-liver'd. It was believed that pigeons were gentle because they had no gall.

III. i. 59. take . . . troubles. Many commentators have felt that this line contains a badly mixed metaphor and consequently have suggested various unnecessary emendations. The phrase 'sea of troubles,' in the sense of a 'mass of troubles,' however, occurs elsewhere in Elizabethan literature. Cf. Greene's Mamillia, ed. Grosart, vol. II., p. 18; "hauing himself escaped the seas of trouble and care," and Dekker's The Wonder of a Kingdome, ed. 1873, vol. IV., p. 230:

I never heard mongst all your Romane spirits,
That any held so bravely up his head,
In such a sea of troubles (that come rouling
One on anothers necke) as Lotti doth.

III. i. 153. nickname. I.e., by painting your face and by your fashionable affectations you turn human beings (God's creatures) into figures that bear the same resemblance to reality that a nickname does to a Christian name. Or possibly this is an allusion to the Elizabethan court fashion of giving animal names to the various courtiers.

III. ii. 12. groundlings. The inferior portion of the audience who paid a penny for standing room in the yard or pit.

III. ii. 14. inexplicable dumb-shows. Pantomimes illustrating the subsequent action of the play, often so crudely performed that they were 'inexplicable.'

III. ii. 16. Termagant. A noisy character repre-