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The Tragedy of Hamlet,

should be old as I am, if, like a crab, you could
go backward. 210

Pol. [Aside.] Though this be madness, yet
there is method in 't. Will you walk out of the
air, my lord?

Ham. Into my grave? 214

Pol. Indeed, that is out o' the air. [Aside.]
How pregnant sometimes his replies are! a
happiness that often madness hits on, which
reason and sanity could not so prosperously be
delivered of. I will leave him, and suddenly
contrive the means of meeting between him and
my daughter. My honourable lord, I will most
humbly take my leave of you. 222

Ham. You cannot, sir, take from me any
thing that I will more willingly part withal;
except my life, except my life, except my life.

Pol. Fare you well, my lord. [Going.]

Ham. These tedious old fools!

Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Pol. You go to seek the Lord Hamlet; there he is. 228

Ros. [To Polonius.] God save you, sir!

[Exit Polonius.]

Guil. Mine honoured lord!

Ros. My most dear lord!

Ham. My excellent good friends! How dost thou, Guildenstern? Ah, Rosencrantz! Good lads, how do ye both? 234

Ros. As the indifferent children of the earth.

216 pregnant: full of meaning
217 happiness: appropriateness
218 prosperously: successfully
224 withal: with
235 indifferent: ordinary, average