Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/124

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SC. II.]

death you were better have a bad epitaph than
their ill report while you live.[a 1] 560

Pol. My lord, I will use them according to their

Ham. God's bodykins,[a 2] [b 1] man, much[a 3] better! Use
every man after his desert, and who should[a 4]
'scape whipping? Use them after your own 565
honour and dignity; the less they deserve,
the more merit is in your bounty. Take
them in.

Pol. Come, sirs.

Ham. Follow him, friends: we'll hear a play 570
[Exit Polonius, with all the Players, but
the First.[a 5]
Dost thou hear me, old friend; can you play
The Murder of Gonzago?

First Play. Ay, my lord.

Ham. We'll ha 't to-morrow night. You could, 575
for a need,[a 6] study a speech of some dozen[a 7] or
sixteen lines,[b 2] which I would set down and
insert in 't,[a 8] could you[a 9] not?

First Play. Ay, my lord.

Ham. Very well. Follow that lord; and look you 580
mock him not.
[Exit First Player.[a 10]

  1. 560. live] Q, lived F.
  2. 563. bodykins] F, bodkin Q.
  3. 563. much] Q, farre Q 1, omitted F.
  4. 564. should] F, shall Q.
  5. Exit, &c.] Dyce, Exit Polon. F after line 569; Exeunt Pol. and Players Q after "Elsinore," line 583.
  6. 576. for a need] Q 1, F; for need Q.
  7. 576. dozen] Q 1, F; dosen lines Q.
  8. 578. in 't,] Q, in 't? F.
  9. 578. you] Q, ye F.
  10. Exit First Player] Dyce, omitted Q, F.
  1. 563. bodykins] dear body—diminutive of endearment.
  2. 576, 577. dozen or sixteen lines] See III. ii. 200 (note).