Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/49

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Of these delated[a 1][b 1] articles allow,
Farewell, and let your haste commend your duty.

Cor., Vol.[a 2] In that and all things will we show our duty. 40

King. We doubt it nothing: heartily farewell.
[Exeunt[a 3] Voltimand and Cornelius.
And now, Laertes, what's the news with you?
You told us of some suit; what is't, Laertes?
You cannot speak of reason to the Dane,
And lose your voice: what would'st thou beg, Laertes, 45
That shall not be my offer, not thy asking?
The head is not more native[b 2] to the heart,
The hand more instrumental to the mouth,
Than is the throne of Denmark to[a 4] thy father.
What would'st thou have, Laertes?

Laer. Dread my[a 5] lord, 50
Your leave and favour to return to France,
From whence though willingly I came to Denmark,
To show my duty in your coronation,[b 3]
Yet now, I must confess, that duty done,
My thoughts and wishes bend again toward[a 6] France 55

  1. 38. delated] Q, dilated F, related Q 1.
  2. Cor., Vol.] Q, Volt. F.
  3. 41. Exeunt] F, omitted Q.
  4. 49. is . . . to] Q, F; to . . . is Warburton and other editors.
  5. 50. Dread my] F, My dread Q.
  6. 55. toward] Q, towards F.
  1. 38. delated] Perhaps a different spelling of the F "dilated," meaning expressed at large. But it may mean conveyed, carried, as in Bacon, Natural History: "the time wherein sound is delated . . . the delation of light is an instant."
  2. 47. native] cognate, connected by nature or birth, as in All's Well, I. i. 238: "To join like likes, and kiss like native things."
  3. 53. coronation] In Q 1 Laertes asks permission to leave "Now that the funerall rites are all performed."