Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/69

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Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds,[a 1][b 1] 130
The better to beguile. This is for all:
I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth,
Have you so slander [a 2] any moment's[a 3][b 2] leisure,
As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet.
Look to't, I charge you; come your ways.[a 4] 135

Oph. I shall obey, my lord. [Exeunt.

SCENE IV.—The Platform.[a 5]

Enter Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus.

Ham. The air bites shrewdly; it is very cold.[a 6]

Hor. It is a nipping and an eager[b 3] air.

Ham. What hour now?

Hor. I think it lacks of twelve.

Mar. No, it is struck.

Hor. Indeed? I[a 7] heard it not: it then[a 8] draws near the season 5
Wherein the spirit held his wont to walk.
[A flourish of trumpets, and ordnance
shot off, within.[a 9]
What does this mean, my lord?

  1. 130. bawds] Theobold, Pope (ed. 2), Hanmer, Cambridge, Furness, Hudson; bonds Q, F and many editors.
  2. 133. slander] squander, Collier (MS.).
  3. 133. moment's] Pope; moments Qq 4–6 ; moment, Qq 2, 3, F.
  4. 135. way's] way Ff 2–4.
  5. Scene IV.] Capell, omitted F.
  6. 1. it is very cold] Q, is it very cold? F.
  7. 5. Indeed? I] Capell; Indeed: I Q Indeed I Q 1, F.
  8. 5. it then] Q, then it F.
  9. 6. A flourish, etc.] Malone after Capell, A florish of trumpets and 2 peeces goes of Q, omitted F.
  1. 130. bawds] "Bonds" of Q, F is explained as vows or (Moberly) as law papers headed with religious formulæ.
  2. 133. moment's] Clar. Press, reading "moment," regards it as an adjective.
  3. 2. eager] sharp (Fr. aigre), as in I. v. 69.