Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/94

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SC. II.]

This must be known; which, being kept close, might move
More grief to hide than hate to utter love.[b 1]
Come.[a 1] [Exeunt. 120

SCENE II.—A Room in the Castle.

Flourish. Enter King, Queen, Rosencrantz,

Guildenstern, and Attendants.

King. Welcome, dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern!
Moreover that[b 2] we much did long to see you,
The need we have to use you did provoke
Our hasty sending. Something have you heard
Of Hamlet's transformation; so call[a 2] it, 5
Since not[a 3] the exterior nor the inward man
Resembles that it was. What it should be,
More than his father's death, that. thus hath put him
So much from the understanding of himself,
I cannot dream[a 4] of: I entreat you both, 10
That, being of so young days brought up with him,
And since[a 5] so neighboured to his youth and humour,[a 6]
That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court
Some little time; so by your companies
To draw him on, to pleasures, and to gather 15

  1. 120. Come.] Q, omitted F.
  2. 5. call] Q, I call F.
  3. 6. Since not] F, Sith nor Q.
  4. 10. dream] Q, deeme F.
  5. 12. since] F, sith Q.
  6. 12. humour] F, havior Q.
  1. 118, 119. which . . . love] "The king may be angry at my telling of Hamlet's love; but more grief would come from hiding it" (Moberly). Hanmer read "to hide hate, than,"
  2. 2. Moreover that] Over and above that,