Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/127

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This man is good. Good men have many friends. — Dear Sir: I write you a short letter, and hope that you are well. I am a friend of Volapük, and it is said that Volapük has many friends in YOUR country.—That person, who has a bad heart, has many enemies. Nouns in English are masculin, feminin and neuter; in Volapük and in French they are masculin and feminin. In December we have short days and long nights.

O flen oba löfik! Pened old binom blefik e ladlik. Labob flenis nemödik kels penoms penedis lonedik obe. Valiks mens gudik laboms ladis gudik e löfoms dinis gudik. God binom fat menas valik. Mens ut valik, kel löfoms Godi, binoms gudik. God binom lautel valikas dinas gudik. Binob flen ola ladlik, kel spelob das binol saunik. Peneds, kelis penols obes, binoms blefik. Kif binof läd, kele penol penedis lonedik? Läd et binof vom sanela B; it no binof jisanel.


God does not love bad men (persons). Bad men do not love God. Nouns in Volapük are not neuter; they have only two genders, not three. Lifeless things are of the masculin gender. Merchants, who are acquainted with Volapük, correspond with the whole world. Who are acquainted with Volapük? All educated persons in the whole world.

No logob bukis kil obik. Buk kiom binom gudik? Buk at no binom badik. No labob mödikis bukis gudik. Gens lio-mödik binoms in volapük? Gens tel binoms in volapük ed in flentapük; gens kil binoms in nelijapük e deutapük. Studon volapüki in läns valik vola lölik.


We eat three times in the day, twenty-one times in the week. This book teaches me Volapük for the first time. That man, who is a German, speaks English badly, but is well acquainted with Volapük. The days go quickly and we have not much time.

Dog fidom vifiko. Penol gudiko. Pükobs volapüki badiko. Penob penedis kil, telna in vig. Lemobs nedelidiko bukis. Lemobs bukis nedelidik. Tedel lemom nedelidiko e selom delidiko.


I am older than he. This book is better than that one. Our house is not so large as yours; it is smaller. You write better than I. I am your most devoted friend. I hope you are in good health, most cherished friend. Volapük is the easiest language in the whole world.

Binob saunikum ka ol. Labob namis gletikum ka ol. Dog labom futis gletikum ka kat. Buk kiom binom gudikün in vol lölik? No labob bukis so mödik äs ol, ab lilädob mödikumis. Kiom binom pük nefikulikün in vol lölik? No sevob püki kel binom nefikulikum ka volapük.


Most valued friend: I have received your short letter and regret that you have been ill. I hope that you will soon have got better and that you will visit us next month.

O flen löfik! Pened lonedik keli äpenol obe, eplidom obe levemo. Spelob das uvedob suno saunikum, e das ologob oli denu oyelo.