Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/45

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With, in company with, ko with, as an instrument, me.

But, except, plä, sesumü but, only, te.

Till, until; jü al, jü in, jü su, jü len, etc.

Without, deprived of, nen without, outside of, plö, mofü.

About, surrounding, zi about, concerning, about, approximately, za.


Prepositions derived from nouns end in ü. (They are generally translated by three English words: a preposition, a noun, another preposition.

Stimü, in honor of. Stim, honor.
Kodü, by reason of. Kod, cause.
Sukü, in consequence of. Suk, following.
Yufü, by aid of. Yuf, aid.
Danü, thanks to. Dan, thank.
Tefü, regarding, concerning. Tef, reference.

Some prepositions are used both with and without the ending ü, as dem or demü.


The ending for interjections is ö, Therefore verbs in the imperativ simply drop d, and omit personal ending.

Spidö! Make haste !

Stopö! Halt !

Bafö! Bravo !


Since many English words are used both as conjunctions and as adverbs, we group together the principal difficulties of both these parts of speech.

But, as a preposition, has been explained. But, as a conjunction, is ab or sod. Sod is only used after a negativ ; it is not this, but (on the contrary) that. Even in this case ab may be used. "Not only --- but also ---," is expressed by ,,noe --- soi."