Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/47

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<A NAME="p037"></A>



1887 balul l6id. O söl lestimlik! Egetob penedi olik de batul kilsebalid äyela e gälobok levemo das binol in saun gudik e das volapük mekom mostepis so gletik lomü ols. Tefü buks, kelis vilol das olemob, ogolob odelo ini glezif, ed osükob omis. Stadobs valiks gudiko e glidobs oli e famüli olik. Dear Sir: I request that you will mail me your paper during one year, addressing it as is written below. I send [mail] you one dollar in payment, and remain

Your friend.

In volapük pladon ladyeki pos subsat, e kimifali pos velib.

In English one places the adjectiv before the noun. In German the accusativ is placed sometimes before the verb.


The exercises have given an idea of the usual order in which the words in a sentence are placed. Except that the adjectiv follows, instead of preceding the word which it qualifies, this order is about the same as in English.

The general principle is that the word which limits or describes follows that which is limited or described, or, to use Prof. Kerckhoffs' expression, the determinant follows the determined.

The predicate or verb follows the subject or kimfal.

The object or kimifal follows the verb, and the kimefal, being a more remote object, is placed still later.

The kimafal or possessiv follows the thing possessed. In English the possessor comes first if it is exprest by the possessiv case, but if exprest by of it comes after.