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The main point why Canadian cheese is lately quoted higher than American is that they are ahead of us on uniformity. To obtain this a uniform Rennet and a uniform Color are most essential. No matter how careful the maker is, he can never get it as uniform as our

Chr. Hansen's Rennet Extract



Taking into account the poor Rennets in the market, the saving by making your own Extract is very small; and as to Cheese Color, even if you did save 60 cents a gallon it would only cost you 5 cents more to color 1000 pounds of cheese, a mere nothing if ours is at all more uniform and of a more natural shade, bright, clean, creamy, and not dull reddish.

Consider this, and give our Extract and Color a fair trial.

If you prefer Rennet in dry shape try our Rennet Tablets, which are quite as cheap and a great deal handier to use than powder.

Send for Price List to


(Little Falls, N. Y.,) or

17 Dearborn Street,CHICAGO, ILL.

J. D. Frederiksen, Esq.,Brockville, Ont., July 17, 1886.

Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Little Falls, N. Y.:

Dear Sir—Your Rennet and Color are positively the finest that have ever been introduced into this section. I know this personally. Our cheese are finer this year than ever before in consequence of using those goods.

Yours respectfully,
D. DERBYSHIRE, Pres't E. O. D. A.