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the Atlantic salmon, all of which go back to sea after spawning, and the Pacific salmons(five species), all of which die after spawning. Of the catadromous fishes there is a single example in our waters—the common eel. It spends most of it life in the fresh waters and sometimes becomes permanently landlocked there, and runs down to the sea to spawn, laying its eggs off shore in deep water.

Marine Fish

The marine fishes that axe found in the coastal waters of the United States number many hundred species, some of them of great value as food. Among the most important are cod, haddock, hake, halibut, flounder, herring, bluefish, mackeral, weakfish or aqueteague, mullet, snapper, drum, and rock fishes.

Studying Fish

The study of living fishes is most entertaining and is rendered somewhat difficult by the medium in which they live, by their