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horizontally. This abundant animal is found throughout North America within the limit of trees wherever there is fresh water. It is the most abundant fur on the market.

Jack Rabbit
(Lepus Californicus)

The jack-rabbit, famous for its speed and its ears, is known by its size, which about doubles that of a common rabbit and the jet black stripe running from its back into its tail. It is found on the plains from Nebraska to Oregon and south to Mexico. There are several different varieties.

(Sylvilagus floridanus)

The common eastern cottontail is known from the snowshoe by it smmaller feet and its much larger, longer tail, which is gray

above, and snow-white underneath, Sometimes the common tame rabbit resembles the cottontail in general color, but the latter has the top of its tail black.

The cottentails do not turn white in winter. They are found in most parts of the United States, entering Canada only in the Ontario peninsula and southern Saskatchewan.

Cougar or Panther
(Felis couguar)

The cougar has been called the American lion; it is the largest cat in the western world except the jaguar or American