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Boy Scouts

to see the upper lid. Seat the patient in a chair with his head bent back was. Stand behind him and place a match or thin pencil across the upper lid one half an inch from its edge,

turn the upper lid back over the match, and lift the for body off as before. A drop of castor oil in the eye after removing the foreign body will soothe it.


This is simply an inflammation of the skin, due to action of the sun. It may be prevented by hardening the skin gradually. Any toilet powder or boracic acid will protect the skin to a considerable extent. The treatment consists of soothing applications such as ordinary or carbolized vaseline

Ivy Poisoning

Poison ivy causes a very intense inflammation of the skin. Better avoid, even though it has not harmed you before. Baking soda made in a thick paste with water or carbolized vaseline are good remedies. In severe cases a doctor should be consulted.

Bites and Stings

Ammonia should be immediately applied. Wet salt and wet earth are also good applications.


Slight nosebleed does not require treatment as no harm will result from it. When more severe the collar should be