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Camp Life in the Woods. Gibson
Campmates C. K. Munroe
Canoemates Kirk Munroe
Canoe and Boat Building Stephens Forest and Stream
Canoe and Camp Cookery Seneca Forest and Stream
Canoe Boys and Camp Fires Graydon Groset and Danlap
Captain Thomas A. Scott, Master Diver F. H. Smith
Comrades in Camp Victor Chatterton Co.
Economical Cook Book. Mrs. Sarah Paul John C. Winston & Co.
Every Boy His Own Cook Atkinson Rice
Guns, Ammunition and Tackle   Money, et
Harper's Camping and Scouting Grinnell & Swan
How to Swim Doltan
Knotting and Splicing Ropes and Cordage Hasluck
Plates Accompanymg Canoe and Boat Building or Amateurs   Forest & Stream Pub. Co.
Practical Rowing with Scull and Sweep Stevens
Ropes: Their Knots and Splices Kunardt
Swimming Brewster Houghton Miflin Co.
Swimming Sinclair
The Art of Swimming Nelligan
The Boat Sailor's Manual Qualtrongh Scribners
The Book of Camping and Woodcraft Kephart Outing Pub. Co.
The Kidnapped Campers Canfield
Watchers of the Camp Fires C. G. D. Roberts
Along Four Footed Trails Ruth A. Cook James Pott & Co.
Black Bear Wright
Comrades of the Truth Roberts
First to Cross the Continent Brooks
Footprints in the Forest Ellis Winston Co.
Graphology Howard Penn Pub. Co.
Grizzly Bear Wright
International Code of Signals U.S. Government Printing Office