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Boy Scout

5. Have daily notes on the nesting of a pair of wild birds from the time the first egg is laid until the young have left the nest.

6. Have attracted at least three kinds of birds exclusive of of the English sparrow, to a "lunch counter" which he has supplied. supplied.


To obtain a mert badge for Painting a scout must

1. Have knowledge of how-to combine pigments in order to produce paints in shades and tints of color.

2. Know how to add positive colors to a base of white lead or of white zinc.

3. Understand the mixing of oils, turpentine, etc., to the proper consistency.

4. Paint a porch floor or other surface evenly and without laps.

5. Know how and when to putty up nail holes and uneven surfaces.

6. Present for inspection a panel covered with three coasts of paint, which panel must contain a border of molding, the body of the panel to be painted in one color and the molding in another.


To obtain a merit badge for Pathfinding a scout must

1. Know every lane, by-path, and short cut for a distance of at least two miles in every direction around the local scouts' headquarters in the country.

2. Have a general knowledge of the district within a five-mile radius of his local headquarters, so as to be able to guide people at any time, by day or night.

3. Know the general direction and population of the five principal neighboring towns and be able to give strangers correct directions on how to reach them.

4. Know in the country in the two-mile radius, approximately, the number of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs owned on the five neighbouring farms: or in a town must know in a half-mile radius hwat livery stables, garages and blacksmiths there are.

5. Know the location of the nearest met markets, bakeries, groceries, and drug stores.