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Temperature, anomalies of, 187
— effects on civilization, 37
— inversion of, 26
— maxima and minima, 34
— mean annual, 31
— mean seasonal, 31
— normals, 33, 34, 35
— ranges, 33, 34
— records, New York City, 33
— — Cooperstown, N. Y., 33
Thermograph, 190
— high air, 192
Thermometer, adjustment of, 184
— black-bulb, 192
— construction of, 179
— graduation of, 180
— maxmium, 183
— miminum, 185
— shelter for, 186
— Six’s pattern, 189
— standard, 181
Thunder, causes of, 114
Thunder-storms, 112
— and cumulo-nimbus clouds, 114
— forecasts of, 118
— Humphreys quoted, 113
— occurrence of, 117
— pressure waves, 117, 118
Tornado, 158
— prevalence, 162
— regions of frequency, 162
Trade Winds, 50
Troposphere, 27
Turbulence, atmospheric, 69, 135
Updraughts, 58
Velo cloud, 71, 140
Vesuvius, eruption, 83
Visibility, atmospheric, 133
— factors of observation, 134
— forecasts of, 144
Warmth, diffusion of, 24
Washoe Zephyr, 55
Waterspouts, 163
Water vapor of the air, 5, 9, 214
Weather folklore, 167
Weather folklore, annual indications, 173
— — barometer indications, 167, 169
— — cloud indications, 172
— — humidity indications, 170
— — plant indications, 172
— forecasts, 164
— information, 147
— map, daily, 146
West Indian hurricanes, 101
Wet-bulb thermometer, 215
Whipple quoted, 47
Whirling table, 217
Whirlwinds, desert, 163
White squalls, 163
Wind direction, 234
— recording, 241
— velocity, measurement of, 56, 237
Winds, Atlantic Ocean, 53
— Pacific coast, 56
— United States, 51
— Prevaling Westerlies, 35
Winslow, C.-E. A. quoted, 63
Winter storms, 101
Xenon, 6
Zero, absolute, 178
— Centigrade, 178
— Fahrenheit, 178
— Reaumer, 178
Zones, climatic, 24
— light, 24

Reference Tables

C. G. S. units, 253
Electricity, units of, 255
Magnetism, units of, 255


1. Miscellaneous Tables:

Atmospheric equivalents, 260
Capacity equivalents, 259
Cubic equivalents, 259
Linear equivalents, 258
Miscellaneous equivalents, 261
Precipitation equivalents, 260