Page:Handbook of Western Australia.djvu/124

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Western Australia.

The Internal Revenue is levied on the transfer of landed property, by licenses under the Wines, Beer, and Spirit Act, to sell by auction, to keep dogs, to collect bark, cut timber, cut or remove sandalwood from the Waste Lands of the Crown, for boats and boatmen, and for boats and ships engaged in the pearl shell fishery, also from judicial fines. Fees are also taken at the different public offices, for registry, copies of official documents, applications, searching records, taking affidavits, &c., in the Sheriff's Office, the Small Debts' Court, and the Insolvent Court.

Industries.—The progress of the different colonial industries will appear from the following comparative tables. The agricultural produce was gathered from the area of acres under cultivation, thus distributed:—

Albany or Plantagenet … 258 521
Champion Bay … 1314
Fremantle …
Greenough and Irwin … 13017
Murray … 473 738
Perth … 158 1512
Sussex … 216 1050
Swan … 1747 3390
Toodyay … 873 9113
Wellington … 595 3006
York … 1559 8991
Williams … 3276
Totals … 6027 45933

The proportions of the different crops cultivated were, in acres, wheat 18,769, barley 6,245, oats 1461, rye 731, potatoes 370, maize 70, vineyard 784, kitchen garden 628, beans, &c. 19, hay or green crop 16,856, from