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Land Regulations.

The express permission of the Commissioner. A frontage line means the boundary of a road, river, public reserve, sea-coast, permanent stream or lake. When from any particular cause this rule cannot be accurately observed, the form is determined as nearly as circumstances allow, but the depth must not be more than three times the breadth in any selection, which must also be in one block, and as a rule of a rectangular shape; and if found on survey to differ in any respect from what is intended by a purchaser, the Government will not be responsible for any loss or inconvenience; nor will the purchase money be returned, unless the whole extent of land in the selected locality falls short of the quantity paid for, and then only so much as exceeds the price of the land to be conveyed.

Lands for special occupation may be take up in selections of not less than one hundred acres, nor more than five hundred acres, at ten shilling an acre, upon conditions of deferred payments and improvements. The conditions are these, given in the words of the Regulations:—

1. The annual fee to be paid yearly, in advance: the first payment to be made at the time of the granting the application, and to be at the rate of one shilling an acre, or fractional part of an acre.

2. The licensee shall not, during the currency of the license, sub-let, assign, or transfer his or her right, title, and interest therein, except by permission of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and on payment of a fee of ten shillings; and the license shall become absolutely void on the assignment of license, except as above provided.

3. The licensee shall, within the term of his license, or before he can claim the giant either by payment or otherwise, enclose the land described in his license with a good and substantial fence, and have cleared and cropped at least one-fourth of the whole area.

4. If the licensee shall by himself, his tenant, or agent, during the period of three years have occupied the allotment for not less than two years and a-half, and provided and made the improvments of the nature in the previous condition mentioned, and shall prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, by such evidence as may be required, that he has complied with all the conditions of the said license, he shall be entitled, at any time within thirty days ("after three years from the commencement of the license, to demand and obtain a Crown Grant, upon the payment of seven shillings for each acre or fractional part of an acre; or failing compliance with the above conditions he may obtain a lease of the said allotment; and every such lease shall be for a term of seven years, at a yearly rental (payable in advance) of