Page:Handbook of maritime rights.djvu/129

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traint and death against your adversary, and you distrain his goods before you take his life. To give up the right of distraint is to necessitate the greater use of the right of killing, and, as John Stuart Mill said: "He was at a loss to conceive how humanity was advanced by sparing people's property and shooting at their bodies." And yet this principle of the immunity of private property at sea is constantly supported on the very grounds of humanity and civilization. Other abstractions are also pressed into the service, and the interests of commerce are invoked, as if commerce could have interests apart from commercial people!

Before concluding, there are two arguments used in support of this thesis which I feel bound to consider. One is, that it is the interest of England to support the principle, because, our commerce and our carrying trade being the largest in the world, we present "the largest area of