Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/27

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Keeping in view that the logical goal of the movement is the eventual restoration of English spelling to the fonetic basis from which in the course of centuries and thru various causes it has widely departed, to propose no changes that ar inconsistent with that ideal.

Outline of Program
Of course, as long as this process of progressiv simplification is going on, inconsistencies wil remain in English spelling; but critics should bear in mind that the inconsistencies ar here now, and that every simplification adopted reduces the total number and helps to make the spelling more nearly uniform and more rational than it was before. Even when every simplification possible with our present alfabet is adopted, English spelling, like the spelling of every other lan- guage, wil stil fall short of sientific precision and per- fection; but it wil be vastly improved over what it is today. If the English-speaking races of that day should become dissatisfied with the imperfections then remaining in English spelling, the adoption of a more nearly fonetic sistem of orthografy may wel be left to them.

Stedy Progress Toward the Goal
In the meantime, it is no sufficient argument against making some improvements now that they ar not those ultimately most desirable. Such an attitude, if universally maintaind, would hav blockt all progress in the past. Those who would postpone the encouragement and adoption of any reform in spelling until a perfect sistem should be evolvd, ar in the position of those who would refuse to improve their morals until the arrival