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Petition for an Imperial Commission
Encouraged by this overwhelming expression of British educational approval, the Simplified Spelling Society drafted a petition to the Prime Minister, asking for the appointment of an Imperial Commission, "which should include scholars, teachers, men of letters, and men of business", to consider the whole question of the reform of English spelling, "to report whether reform be practicable, and, if so, to indicate what ought to be its nature, and how it may best be introduced".

Many thousands of signatures hav been obtaind to this petition in all parts of the British Empire and in the United States. It wil be presented as soon as conditions ar more favorable for its consideration and for the carrying out of its specified objects.

Aggressiv Campains in America
The Simplified Spelling Board, shortly after the issue of its Fourth List, resolvd to propose no further changes in spelling until the recommendations alredy made should be stil more widely accepted, but to devote its income and energies mainly to an intensiv field campain of education. Field Representativs of professorial rank wer engaged, and in 1914 an aggressiv campain was organized to win a more general official approval of the aims of the Board by the leading educational institutions of the United States.

Universities, Colleges, and Normal Scools
The results obtaind by this campain in the following years wer extremely gratifying. Several hundred universities, colleges, and normal scools, with tens of