Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/35

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nativ spellings having dictionary recognition, as shown by its action (1907) in directing the use of the simpler spellings of the 300 Words in its publications, approves and regularly uses about 1,500 simplified spellings.

Newspapers and Magazines
The rapid increase of educational support encouraged the Board to undertake coincidentally a special campain among editors and publishers to promote the use of simplified spellings in the pres. As a result, hundreds of newspapers and periodicals—including the Philadelphia North American; Chicago Post; Cleveland Press; Cincinnati Post; Worcester Telegram; Detroit Times; Denver Post, News, Times, Express; Columbus Citizen; Louisville Herald; Des Moines Capital, News; Topeka Capital, Journal; Seattle Star; Lincoln Nebraska State Journal, News; Wichita Beacon; Tacoma Ledger, News; Peoria Journal; and many other dailies in important cities— ar now using the Twelv Words and most of the other simpler spellings in the List of 300 Words. The total circulation of all these publications is counted in millions.

The National Editorial Association (1916), "desiring to cooperate with the National Education Association, the Simplified Spelling Board, and other educational organizations, in their efforts to accustom the general public to the use of simplified spelling in print", approved the use of the Twelv Words, adopted them for use in the official publications and correspondence of the Association, and recommended their use by individual members in their respectiv newspapers. Similar action was taken by various other editorial and newspaper associations.