Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/56

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as possible, or that they would be supported by those who had been under their instruction.

Let it once sink into the consciousness of any generation that the irregularities, inconsistencies, and absurdities of English spelling ar not only unnecessary but remediable; that English spelling not only can be made regular and logical, but has been made so in some important particulars; that there exists an organized body of scolars and educators equipt and eager to propose further reforms; and all who hav experienst the advantages of a partial amelioration wil unite in desiring the adoption of a more sweeping scheme of improvement.

Would Save Valuable Time in Education
Since a simpler spelling is a les difficult spelling, easier to learn and easier to teach, it follows that its general adoption and use would effect a proportionate saving in time to both pupil and teacher. Saving of time means saving of mony. This needs no demonstration in the case of the teacher, whose time has a definitly mesured valuation.

The time of a scool-child has at least a theoretical value. If it can be shown that the adoption of an improved mode of spelling would lessen the number of scool-terms required to prepare the student to take his place as a worker, it wil be apparent that the time he saves Would hav a value to him mesurable in terms of dollars. It would hav a value to the parent by shortening the child's period of non-productivity, during which the parent must bear the entire cost of his support. It would hav a value to the taxpayer by reducing the total cost of education. It would hav a value to the entire English-speaking world by the in-