Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/59

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of higher learning. This leavs $640,000,000 as the cost of elementary education in all public and private scools and other institutions where it was carrid on.

Assuming that the use of a rational spelling would effect a saving of one year's time in the grades, we hav only to divide $640,000,000 by 8, the number of grades, to find that the saving in 1915 would hav been $80,000,000. The number of children decreases in each successiv grade, it is true, but the expense for each pupil advances, so that it seems fair to strike an average. The saving in 1920 would be actually, even if not proportionally, much larger, probably in excess of $100,000,000.

Utilization of Savings
The Board does not consider it necessary to go far-ther into the financial consideration to figure out, for instance, the possible earning power, to themselvs and to the state, of children releast at an earlier age to industry, or the concurrent saving to parents. It believs that this wasted mony could be better used by keeping the children in scool another year, in order that they should go into the world better educated, better fitted mentally and fisically, to take up the battle of life. The lamentable and unnecessary waste has been shown. Whether, if it shal ultimately be stopt, the savings shal go into the pockets of parents or into the heds of children is a question that the Board must leav to public conscience and good judgment.

Waste of Nervous Energy
To the appalling and calculable waste of time and mony must be added the no les appalling, if incalculable, waste of nervous energy on the part of teachers