Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/65

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Handicapt by Its Spelling
The simplification of English spelling, which would be of so much demonstrated benefit to those whose nativ tung is English, would also remove the one obstacle to the use of English by many millions of foreners. This wide-spred use of English would ad incalculably to the prestige of the language and of the nations that speak it. It would be an invaluable medium for the diffusion of Anglo-Saxon ideas and ideals. We who speak English should hav an advantage in not needing to acquire any other language; and it would not be to our disadvantage that we should hav a more thoro knowledge and a better command of it than those with whom we hav occasion to deal.


The Language Is Safe
The Simplified Spelling Board does not assume to know in advance every objection that wil be made to simplified spelling, but it knows every objection that has been made; and it believs that in replying to those most commonly made, it wil show the unreasonableness of all objections that hav any weight whatever.

The recommendations of the Board hav frequently been caracterized as an "attack on the English language," whereas they ar merely an attack on the prevalent English spelling. Spelling and language should not be confounded. They ar as different as clothes and caracter. The proposal to improve our present spelling, so far from being an attack on the English language, aims to preserv its caracter, to giv it a more appropriate and serviceable dres, and to extend its use and influence.