Page:Handbook of simplified spelling.djvu/82

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of this experience, and the selection of those most suitable for present emfasis.

The Filology Committee, after long-continued and painstaking investigation and deliberation, submitted its report in 1918. Its recommendations wer adopted, and ar incorporated in the following pages. All of the rules hav been reformulated and ar now self-indexing. Some of them hav been extended; some hav been restricted; others hav been consolidated; several of the old rules hav been omitted, tho not discarded; a few new rules hav been added.

Importance of Example
The simplifications of spelling now recommended ar so reasonable, and present so few difficulties iether in learning or using them, that the Board hopes, and asks, that all who believ in the importance of the reform wil make profession of their faith by adopting these simpler spellings in their correspondence and, as far as possible, in print. Reform in spelling can be brought about only by abundant practis, thereby setting an example to others les wel informd, most of whom wil gladly follow so reasonable a usage as soon as they perciev that it is also good usage.

Concentration on Present List
The Board does not contemplate issuing any further lists until the rules of this list shal be widely adopted. Progress for some time to come wil be markt rather by the successiv adoption of the spellings now proposed than by the proposal of additional changes in advance of the capacity of the public to assimilate them. For the present the Board wil concentrate its efforts on the attainment of this end.